Innovative Stable Housing Initiative
The Innovative Stable Housing Initiative (ISHI) is a project that leverages pooled-funding to identify, assess, and fund strategic approaches to increase housing security in Greater Boston. Founded in 2018, ISHI creates a collaborative environment where funders, grantees, residents, and other community members who are often excluded from this process come together to support innovative housing work.
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The Problem:
Skyrocketing rents, high cost of living, and increased construction of luxury apartments are just a few of the reasons Boston is one of the most expensive cities in which to live in the U.S. Redlining, exclusionary zoning, racial and ethnic segregation, and housing and mortgage discrimination have historically negatively impacted People of Color.
The housing instability created by these conditions is associated with poor health, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, asthma, and obesity as well as increased anxiety, depression, and psychological distress.
Stable housing is an essential component of good health because when families live in a safe, affordable home and community, they can prioritize their health and personal well-being.
ISHI Goals are to:
Goal 1
Identify policy, systems, population, and place-based approaches that address displacement and increase housing stability for individuals, families, and communities.
Goal 2
Fund these approaches through an inclusive, resident-led participatory grant process that centers community voice and power.
ISHI ENVISIONS a Greater Boston where long-term, affordable, quality housing is a human right, universally available, and accessible to all, and those who have been most impacted by inequitable and oppressive systems are liberated and reaching higher levels of economic sufficiency and autonomy.
We acknowledge and value:
Racial and Ethnic Equity as a mechanism of justice and opportunity for People of Color, Indigenous communities, and immigrants who have historically, systematically, and intentionally been excluded from systems due to racism, classism, and systems of white supremacy culture;
Galvanizing the Power of Communities by honoring the diverse voices, shared history, lived experiences, unique perspectives, and wisdom of community members;
Meaningful and Trustworthy Collaboration that respects and recognizes differences, leverages expertise, and is accountable to work towards a shared objective, measurable outcomes, and collective action;
Flexibility & Balance between innovation and proven solutions, immediate and long-term investments, grassroots and larger community-based organizations, capacity building and project-based initiatives, as opportunities to invest in real systems change;
Working in Solidarity side by side with community members most impacted by displacement and systemic inequity, to use the collective power and privilege in our networks to create lasting impact that Is not extractive nor exploitative.